Colin Hillstrom

Guns, Germs, Steel, and Fluid Group Dynamics©

In Career & Business, Consciousness, Leadership on March 8, 2011 at 00:10

For several years now I have been contemplating to write a paper titled “Guns, Germs, Steel, and _______,” a play on words on Jared Diamond’s masterpiece, bestselling book and National Geographic documentary.

Why? Diamond’s masterful research explains how we’ve come this far; as a consultant, coach, and teacher of applied consciousness systems, I’ve been feeling inspired to posit ‘how we ensured that “The Incredible Human Journey” would continue,’ i.e. ‘what humanity did to survive its own culture.’

I believe that the key to solving our global problems lies in the field of consciousness, since consciousness/energy/thought is the only ingredient in the co-creative process humans have any control over : “All that we are is a result of what we have thought.” Buddha

Unfortunately, few people understand what consciousness is. So I didn’t want to call the book “Guns, Germs, Steel, and Consciousness,” because consciousness is always the cause and never the effect. I was looking for a term that would describe the practical and common-place application of higher consciousness thinking that would make the planet a better place. I believe that I found it: I now believe that it is the emergence of Fluid Group Dynamics (FGD) that will ensure the gracious survival of our species.

Why? In a time of accelerating change, FGD will enable any organization or community to positively respond to rapid change and even chaos for the following reasons:

1) Fluid Group Dynamics (FGD) exist in an organization that is uncontaminated with fear or other negative influences. Such organizations may be newly created by people who are already free from self-doubt and false pride, or they may be existing organizations that have taken deliberate steps to raise their vibration.

2) FGD dramatically increase the influx and flow of creativity, insights, innovation, and solutions to personal and collective problems.

3) FGD exist in highly evolved organizations. They are the result of the successful application of the principles taught in books like “Think and Grow Rich” (TAGR) where in fact the whole of the organization has become a ‘Master Mind Group’ (MMG). Within the context of  TAGR a MMG is not a group that holds power over others; MMG’s consist of individuals who have attained full mastery over the negative aspects of their own minds (i.e they have ascended on the ladder of consciousness).

4) In the absence of hierarchy, prejudice, false pride, arrogance, hate, anger, anxiety, fear, dread, compulsion, envy, or other  (self-centered) thoughts and emotions, FGD empower all individuals to do the work of leadership, i.e. driving the common vision forward. In FGD all individuals take full responsibility for their thoughts, emotions, words, and actions, i.e. they have the courage to act on their intuitive 6th sense awareness.

5) Individuals who participate in FGD have evolved beyond their willingness to abdicate their personal power. Within this context, FGD are a marker in the evolution of human consciousness because the acceptance of our innate personal power puts an end to the master/slave  dynamics that have plagued humanity since the dawn of time:

By accepting full responsibility for our personal power we no longer engage in co-dependent relations, coercion, manipulation, or extortion. The emergence of FGD is an indicator that humanity is in the process of replacing its dreadful sense of separation with a clear sense of unity between the mind and heart, which graces the human family with unconditional love and reverence for all that exists.

Finally, in looking back to now, the emergence of Fluid Group Dynamics was the driving force towards global peace, planetary renewal, and true prosperity for one and all.

Carpe diem!

  1. Wow..I usually have much to say but my God what to really say after reading this?
    That is the Society we want on Earth so yeah…i’m on Board..
    Love and Empathy ! It all comes down to that …Oh and also this Little Secret Humans seem to Have.. Light Original Vibrational Energy..LOVE. We are beings of Love and we Only and Only truly Resonate in our Heart of Hearts with that Frequency. Expand your Hearts to Raise your Love Frequency to Evolve as a Race !


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